Customising a WordPress website

How customisable is WordPress? WordPress offers an ‘off the shelf’ website – with lots of functions and is highly customisable. However it is not ‘infinitely customisable’ – there are limitations, due to working within a pre-defined framework, but it also has a lot of advantages. Broadly there are 3 levels of customisation (this is a […]

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What is WordPress

What is WordPress? WordPress is one of the most popular, user-friendly ways of building a website. WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) with powerful capabilities. What does that mean? A Content Management System is a user-friendly means of managing all of the content you want to include in your website – images,  text, video, links, social media, etc. All  […]

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Writing Plainly

PDF version Hard writing makes easy reading. ~~An old adage. Plain language writing is reader-focused writing. But what makes something plain language? The Center for Plain Language defines “plain” in terms of people’s behaviour. Can the audience for the material quickly and easily: find what they need understand what they find act appropriately on that understanding? (1) In 1998, President Clinton […]

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Crafting Headings and Subheadings

According to the Web Style Content Guide (1), “On the Web, you live or die by your headings… A good one makes it easier for readers to find your article, and much more likely that they will read what you have written. A  bad heading ensures that few, if any, readers will find your text at all, and […]

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Chunking Your Content

Chunking your web content into small paragraphs helps your web visitors scan for the information they’re looking for. Well-written paragraphs on the web: have only 1 main point start with that main point are less than 100 words long Why Small Chunks of Info Suit Web Readers Web visitors don’t really read much of what’s on […]

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The inverted pyramid approach to writing fits the way people read on the web.

Putting Your Essential Message First

Help web visitors get the point of each of your webpages fast: Load the opening paragraph with the essential message of the page. The web is action-packed, and people are in a hurry. Eye-tracking studies have shown that users pay the most attention to the content they see first—which would be our opening paragraphs. Use the inverted pyramid […]

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Helping Readers Skim and Scan

Most people don’t read through the content we put on our websites. They skim and scan the pages, “taking in headings, the beginnings of paragraphs, and first words of sentences.” (1)  They’re looking for something that strikes their attention or matches the question or need they have.  If they find it, they dig in and read […]

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How people read on the web

How people read on the web

Understanding how people read on the web and search for information can directly influence how we design our webpages and websites. One of the most influential researchers into web reading behavior has been Jakob Nielsen, who sums up his findings like this: How users read on the web: They don’t. (1) The truth is, people are going […]

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Writing for the Web

This excellent information on Writing for the Web is sourced from – National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. Nichcy’s website is being phased out in Sept 2014 and Nichcy is encouraging reuse of its material Is your website one of your project’s most valuable ways of disseminating information? If so, this page will give you 6 tips for writing […]

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Do you need a website?

What is the purpose of your website? It’s good practice to get clear about why you want a website before beginning the process of building one – and to review the reasons for having a website from time to time – as these are very likely to change over time. Here are some common uses […]

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